Spool Clamps and Collars


Techna offer a wide range of shaft and spool retaining collars and clamping solutions with the Uhing Easylock® Shaft Clamping System and the U-Clip and QuikLoc Shaft / Spool Retaining Collars.

Uhing Easylock® Shaft Clamping System

The Uhing Easylock® is fitted with a clamping ring which is increasingly offset to the shaft with which it engages in response to axial or tensioning forces, so creating an increasing friction contact. The greater the tensioning force, the greater the clamping effect of the ring.

As the roll or spool is held firmly between the fixed pintle (cone) and the clamping pintle (cone), braking moments can be transmitted from the shaft to the roll or spool. The machine can thus be quickly stopped if a malfunction occurs. Similarly, acceleration moments are also transmitted to the spool which can ensure no material breaks or tears occur due to excessive tension when accelerating driven payoffs.

Shaft / Spool Retaining Collars

The U-Clip and QuikLoc Shaft and Spool Retaining Collars allow single handed fitting and removal without the need for tools. Applications include the retaining of spools and general quick-release clamping requirements.

The U-Clip utilises a clamping ring which is offset to the shaft, thereby providing clamping force. Available in diameters from 8mm to 35mm.

QuikLoc shaft collars give the user instant reel or spool changeovers for almost every application. A wide range of both metric and imperial sizes are available in diameters from 6mm to 76mm and 1/4” to 3” Ø.

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