Techna wins UCL Enterprise Award
Published by John Mestitz on 10th Jul 2015
Techna's commitment to innovation and development was recognised at the 8th UCL Awards for Enterprise held at UCL Advances' new incubator space for businesses in King's Cross, BASE KX.
'Enterprise is everywhere' at UCL, with Enterprise activities contributing significantly to UCL's rise as a world renowned university. By collaborating with businesses on research, providing knowledge transfer opportunities and supporting students to gain the businesses experience and skills needed for a successful career, UCL provides valuable opportunities for businesses, students and staff alike.
The annual UCL Awards for Enterprise recognise the work of the most innovative and entrepreneurial of these activities in furthering enterprise and entrepreneurship at UCL.
Over the last few years, Techna has been working on long term collaborative projects with UCL's Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, partnering on Knowledge Transfer and student based projects to assist with innovation and technological advances in a range of areas. In recognition of the efforts and accomplishments made in these projects Techna was awarded the prestigious "Knowledge Transfer Business of the Year 2015" Award at a ceremony in London on June 10th.
John Mestitz, Managing Director of Techna and an Alumnus of UCL himself, accepted the award at a black tie dinner and awards ceremony hosted at BASE KX, UCL's new location for creativity and entrepreneurship due to be officially opened in autumn 2015. A trade fair ran alongside the awards showcasing businesses that have been assisted by UCL and catering, food and beverage companies that have been supported by UCL Advances were used to provide the dinner itself, highlighting UCL's commitment to long term collaboration.
Commenting on the partnership between Techna and UCL, John said "The relationship between Techna and UCL allows us to work with the University on areas where they have specific research knowledge to combine with our industrial experience".
Dr. Kenneth Tong, Senior Lecturer in Sensors, Systems and Circuits and Techna's KTP partner at UCL commented that the program "bridges out our research and makes it useful to the company and society… we can try something new, something innovative". On the award itself he added "I think it’s a very positive thing for us. It can motivate us to do even better in the future".
Continuing to work with UCL, Techna's forthcoming and future product launches will bring some of the very best and latest Research and Development advances in electrical safety protection and machine automation to the market.